What is a Holy Moment?

This school year, we’re doing something we’ve never done before. We’re on a mission to unleash the power of Holy Moments in St. Joseph’s community–and that includes you.

Every single one of you has so much to offer.

Whether you’re young or decades have passed since your days in the classroom…
Whether you make friends easily or are working on putting yourself out there…
Whether you have a clear dream for your future or are still figuring it all out…

It’s time to discover just what you have to offer. It’s time to discover how much good you
can create in the world. It’s time to discover your full potential. And the best way to do that is Holy Moments.
And pay attention–because this idea might just change your life:
What is a Holy Moment?
A Holy Moment is a single moment in which you open yourself to God. You make yourself
available to him. You set aside personal preference and self-interest, and for one moment
you do what you prayerfully believe God is calling you to do.

Are you ready?


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