Auto Enrollment 2024-2025

Please see the letter below regarding the 2024-2025 tuition and Auto Enrollment. Auto Enrollment Letter  

Social media concerns

Amid the escalating violence in the Middle East, schools across the country have expressed concern that social media platforms have become inundated with graphic imagery of war and torture. Recent reports from prominent news outlets have highlighted the necessity of protecting children from the deluge of violent content that may not be detected by parental … Continue reading

Saintly Service Awards

Last September our own Given Kalipinde received the St. Benedict Halo Award from CSCOE. We are so proud and honored to have Given as part of our community. Each month we have an opportunity to nominate someone new. Please take a moment to watch this video CSCOE put together about Given and what it means … Continue reading

Duck Cup Presentation

Dear SJS Families: On Tuesday, September 19, 2023, St. Joseph Catholic School will be hosting a guest speaker, Kristen, whose presentation will focus on mental health and provide a message of hope. All 5-8 grade students will attend her presentation with the opportunity for a question and answer session at the end. Attached you will … Continue reading

State of the School Address 2023

  During curriculum night I gave my annual State of the School Address.  If you missed it or want to refer back to it you will find the entire slideshow linked below. We are looking forward to a fantastic school year filled with Holy Moments! State of the School Address 2023

Prayerful response to Tennessee tragedy

Please read the attached letter that is focused on a response to yesterday’s tragic school shooting in Tennessee. Note that we will be praying for the victims of the shooting at our weekly 7:15 Holy Hour/Benediction on Thursday morning at the church. Response to Tennessee School Shooting

Lent 2023

Hello Families, Linked below you will find a Lenten Calendar.  It includes things many activities, prayers, and ideas to help serve throughout Lent. You will also find a letter from Father Stan explaining our goal to raise enough money to build a well in Africa. A packet from Cross Catholic Outreach will be coming home … Continue reading

The Importance of Catholic Education Bulletin Article

Fr. Stan invited me to be a guest author of the bulletin this week and it is perfect timing because Catholic Schools Week is right around the corner, Jan 29 – Feb 4. Whenever I am given the chance to share my thoughts about Catholic education, I feel compelled to write about why Catholic education … Continue reading

Celebrating National Anti-Bullying Day

October is National Bullying Prevention Month and it reminds us that students, parents, teachers, and school administrators all play a role in preventing bullying. Positive change comes as we begin to emphasize respect and inclusion on campuses across the country.  We are including our policy below for your review.  Bullying comes in many forms, and … Continue reading

Legislative Session

Families, The legislative session is in its last two weeks, with wide gaps in policy and spending priorities between the House and the Senate. Two important provisions for nonpublic schools are still “in play.” These include the expansion of counseling to grades K-6 (HF3506 / SF925).  This would be a huge blessing for us.  Our … Continue reading

Popular Apps and Social Networks

Hello parents, I came across this list of some common apps that kids are using on devices. I wanted to help you become aware of some of the apps out there and what they do. It’s important for us to stay up to date with the latest digital tools that your children / our students … Continue reading

Blessed Lent

Hello everyone, I hope that you all have a wonderful spring break starting tomorrow.  I pray that you will be safe and healthy and that your children get some R&R.  I am already looking forward to seeing the students and staff return on March 14th ready to finish this school year strong. As we enter the … Continue reading

Suffer Well My Brothers and Sisters

May 19, 2021 Suffer Well My Brothers and Sisters Looking back over the past year and change, we have all witnessed suffering in ways that were most likely foreign to us in our previous experience.  Many of us have not seen the ravaging impact of an epidemic such as the Corona Virus in all its … Continue reading

Jenn Klein Earns Her Master’s Degree

 From the Medical Field to Education: Jenn Klein Earns Her Master’s Degree Mrs. Jenn Klein, 4th Grade Teacher, continues to show her commitment to education inside and outside the classroom by completing a Master of Science in Teaching Degree from The College of Saint Scholastica. Klein has been a part of the St. Joseph School … Continue reading

STEM Success!

Mrs. Brooke Maciaszek Receives her STEM Certification As a STEM school, it is crucial for our faculty to continually learn… just like our students. One of our Kindergarten teachers, Mrs. Brooke Maciaszek, has done just that. During her tenure at St. Joseph Catholic STEM School, Mrs. Maciaszek has taught in many classrooms but has found … Continue reading

God Isn’t Finished

6.24.20 God isn’t finished Why is an education at St. Joseph School, no matter how the learning happens (pandemic or under normal conditions) a valuable education, making it worthy of investing time, resources and finances? There are many layers to this question, and today I will begin a series of articles about our mission statement … Continue reading

Robotics Team Heading to State Tournament!

St. Joseph Robotics Team Heading to State Tournament St. Joe’s First LEGO League (FLL) 7th-grade robotics team competed at the sectional tournament in St. Paul on January 12 and advanced to the state competition, to be held on February 22. In addition to posting the second-highest robot performance score in their division, the team received … Continue reading

Hope Dealers

Hope Dealers  Over the past few weeks, I’ve had an opportunity to volunteer for Catholic Charities.  Each week I visit a home for men who are chronic addicts.  These men have lost everything.  They have no home, no job, no money and most of their families have given up on them.  As sad as this sounds, … Continue reading

Homework – Tips for Parents

Homework – tips for parents Consolidated from the United States Dept. of Education website. Now that we are a few weeks into the school year, we are settling into some patterns. One of those patterns is regular homework. I recently consolidated some info on homework from the US Dept. of Ed website. At St. Joseph, … Continue reading

Grace Abounds

Grace Abounds  The new school year has opened with great enthusiasm.  There is much joy in the building and this community has once again demonstrated an amazing welcome for one another.  I heard one of our teachers comment earlier this week how they could feel the grace of the Holy Spirit moving through the building.  How true!  One of my favorite songs … Continue reading

What makes C-STEM learning a good thing?

What makes C-STEM learning a good thing? There is a lot of research about 21st Century learning that makes our C-STEM model an excellent option for our school.  There are strong cries throughout the country for innovative schools to continue to grow so as to advance the excellence of our nation’s school system.  It has … Continue reading

12 Reasons to Attend St. Joseph C-STEM School

St. Joseph Catholic STEM School is a faith & family based Toddler-Grade 8 school. We are the leading C-STEM School in the Archdiocese, offering small class sizes, a caring before and after school care program and have award winning programs. Come visit our school to see how we have we inspiring hearts and minds since … Continue reading

St. Joe’s to Partner with Groves Academy in Fall!

At St. Joseph School, we are always striving for excellence, we are reaching for those things that makes us stronger so that our students and families can be assured that they are receiving a great education.  For the past two months, we have been working through a process to develop a partnership with Groves Academy … Continue reading

Our Best Referrals

As St. Joseph Catholic School moves into the end of the 2018—2019 school year, our sights turn to the incoming students for 2019-2020.  We have always attracted top quality students who believe in our mission and who grow here at St. Joseph Catholic School and become leaders throughout our Faith Community and beyond. Please take … Continue reading

Is Your Faith Influencing Our Culture?

The Frontline – Principal Bruce Richards “I see clearly that the thing the church needs most today is the ability to heal wounds and to warm the hearts of the faithful; it needs nearness, proximity.  I see the church as a field hospital after a battle.  It is useless to ask a seriously injured person … Continue reading

Top 10 – Your Best Lent Ever

Make it your BEST LENT EVER – TOP 10! Sign up for Dynamic Catholic’s Best Lent Ever Attend Daily Mass! Tuesday-Thursday 8:15 AM, Fridays 7 AM Join us for Stations of the Cross on Fridays Journey as a family with the Lenten Passport! Coming home soon! Save the Date for Wednesday, April 3, 6 PM. … Continue reading

7 Weeks – Gifts of the Holy Spirit Challenge

If you were not able to attend the Parish Prayer Fair this past weekend, we hope your family will participate in the next 7 week Gifts of the Holy Spirit Challenge!  Please click on the attachment for the packet.  We have extra puzzles so if you want one they will be in back of church … Continue reading

Choose Wisely

Choose Wisely As Fr. Stan completes his trip to the Holy Land, I’m humbled to fill in as a guest writer this week.  Have no fear, Fr. Stan will be back for next week’s bulletin. The church year is coming to a close next weekend.  Over these last two weeks of the church year, we … Continue reading

Perfection, a blessing or a curse?

  Perfection, a blessing or a curse?  Mr. Richards 09/21/2018   Over the past few weeks I have come across many different thought producing messages that promote a pursuit of perfection.  Whether it be in playing a musical instrument, doing a math problem or acting like a Christian we all receive challenges to improve who … Continue reading

Open the Gates

Open the Gates! I imagine that all of us have had experiences where we are eager to open our doors for a much-anticipated guest.  Prior to the guests’ arrival we work hard to prepare the rooms of our homes, to make some food to share and we plan some entertaining activities for our guests.  There … Continue reading

The Rich History of St. Joseph Catholic STEM School

The Rich History of St. Joseph Catholic STEM School   St. Joseph Catholic School was built on the backs of Minnesota’s first citizens.  The school first opened in the fall of 1860, just two years after Minnesota became a state and just a few months prior to Abraham Lincoln’s inauguration as the 16th president of … Continue reading

A Chance for Redemption

The gospel story of Jesus destroying the temple is at the forefront this week.  For some reason, the imagery of Jesus being angry and overturning the temple is one that I can see very easily. 

What if?

What if? I’ve always been a wonderer. I find myself wondering and dreaming about things, some are realistic possibilities, others are just far off thoughts. At adoration this week I found myself wondering about what my life would have been like if I had lived at the time and place when Jesus walked the earth? … Continue reading

What if?

At adoration this week I found myself wondering about what my life would have been like if I had lived at the time and place when Jesus walked the earth? What role might I have played? Would I have been one of the first disciples? Would I have been a Roman soldier or a ranking member of the Sanhedrin who was directly responsible for his death?

How can a stranger show so much love?

If these strangers are able to share so much love with someone that they don’t personally know, how much more love and comfort will the Father’s loving care bring us when we rely on Him? We can’t begin to imagine the joy of heaven.

Humble Leader

We are called to live our parish mission to Know, Love and Serve the Lord. Someone out their needs you today, how will you answer the call?

Saint Making Factory

This week we celebrate All Saints Day. Each and every day we have an opportunity to make decisions that can lead us to heaven. Once we make it there we will join the host of saints. Here is a great story of a modern day saint. I hope it can give you inspiration to Serve the Lord each and every day.

Nurture the Gift

This past week I was thinking about God’s response to our broken humanness and I was wondering if He ever gets tired of man’s rejection of the gift of faith. Here’s my line of thinking, starting with the history of our faith, with Abraham. Here’s a Bible history in less than two pages… God made … Continue reading

Soul Living

According to the Catechism (part 1, chapter 1, paragraph 33) the human person discerns signs of his spiritual soul. The soul, the “seed of eternity we bear in ourselves, irreducible to the merely material”, can have its origin only in God. In the glossary of the Catechism, a soul is defined as the spiritual principle … Continue reading


The question is: If you could be the patron saint of something, what would you be the patron saint of?

Saint Making Factory

Our mission statement drives us to become the best version of ourselves, day in and day out. That best version of self is the one who God made us to be. If each of us does our part, we can become saints!

Three Gifts

What is it that you pray for so fervently and relentlessly? Health for a loved one or ourselves? Financial freedom? Peace and justice in our world? Healthier relationships? Prayers for vocations?


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