Hello everyone,
I hope that you all have a wonderful spring break starting tomorrow. I pray that you will be safe and healthy and that your children get some R&R. I am already looking forward to seeing the students and staff return on March 14th ready to finish this school year strong.
As we enter the Lenten Season, I want to encourage you to really embrace a personal spiritual journey. Daily prayer, bible reading, fasting from some earthly pleasures, and giving a little extra of your time, talent and treasure will surely launch you forward in your relationship with God and one another.
Of course, celebrating the sacraments regularly provides so much grace, especially when we can do so with the intent of growing our relationship with our God and creator. I really want to encourage you to make a commitment to attend Mass/church services every weekend, without exception. I also invite you to attend a daily Mass at least one extra time during Lent, and perhaps once every week during Lent. I know that you have busy lives, but that is just one more reason to slow down and celebrate our faith. When I was in grade school, I remember going to daily Mass every day during Lent. I especially remember being able to be an altar server at daily Masses during Lent. It is actually one of my dearest and fondest memories of growing up, and I know that it impacted my faith immensely.
Daily Mass on Mondays is at 6:30 p.m. – outside of the normal work day and certainly something that may be a bit easier for folks to fit into their routine. Mass is at 8:15 a.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings.
I also encourage you to celebrate the sacrament of Reconciliation once a month. There is so much healing that comes through this sacrament. It is a beautiful gift that is freely given to us to help us on this journey. Why not take advantage of this free gift often? The deal is so much better than any coupon that you might find. Click this link to find the times that this sacrament is available to you here at our parish.
Finally, I invite you to consider attending a retreat this Lenten season. Our parish is offering a men’s retreat on the weekend of March 19-20 and a women’s retreat on the weekend of March 26-27. I guarantee you, 100% satisfaction on the retreat. It is offered to you free of charge! Click here for more information about the retreat weekends.
May you be showered with peace and grace each day of your journey!