100 Day Math Challenge

Students entering first grade through fifth grade in 2024-2025 are invited to participate.  We are encouraging each St. Joe’s student to complete 100 math challenges in approximately 100 days.
Each math challenge has 10 questions so that is 1,000 math problems!  Most of the questions will be a review of important standards for the grade level.  Research shows that frequent and spaced-out practice is great for learning (Brown, P. C. 2014. Make It Stick).
How to participate:
  1. Select a level. In general, students should try the grade level in which they are entering.  For instance, if the student is entering 3rd grade in 2024-2025, they should consider using the 3rd-grade level material.  If your child has difficulty with math, he or she may want to complete the level for which they just completed.  For instance, a student who just completed fifth grade could complete the fifth-grade level as a review.  Students will be recognized for finishing 100 challenges, not the specific level they completed.
  2. Download the attached PDF of the appropriate grade level found in the link below.  Your child may print 100 pages and the answer key or you may just view the pages on your computer and answer the questions in a notebook.
  3. Your child should complete the worksheets one at a time.  If he/she has difficulty with a specific problem, your child may ask a parent or older sibling for help, or search for more information on the internet. After completing a page, correct it immediately using the answer key on the final pages of the PDF. If you made a mistake, figure out why!
  4. Turn in the record-keeping page with a parent’s  signature showing verification of completion of all pages by Tuesday, 9/3
  5. Students may go at their own pace. If they miss a few days, they will have to do more than one per day to catch up.
  6. All students who complete the summer math challenge will receive a donut and juice breakfast on Monday, 9/9 during normal breakfast time at St. Joe’s.

Middle School students and their parents will receive a separate summer math challenge via email explaining how they can participate at their level!

This is not required of any student, but we hope to see many kids choose to participate. If you have questions, email agallus@gmail.com.


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