What if?

What if? I’ve always been a wonderer. I find myself wondering and dreaming about things, some are realistic possibilities, others are just far off thoughts. At adoration this week I found myself wondering about what my life would have been like if I had lived at the time and place when Jesus walked the earth? … Continue reading

What if?

At adoration this week I found myself wondering about what my life would have been like if I had lived at the time and place when Jesus walked the earth? What role might I have played? Would I have been one of the first disciples? Would I have been a Roman soldier or a ranking member of the Sanhedrin who was directly responsible for his death?

How can a stranger show so much love?

If these strangers are able to share so much love with someone that they don’t personally know, how much more love and comfort will the Father’s loving care bring us when we rely on Him? We can’t begin to imagine the joy of heaven.

Humble Leader

We are called to live our parish mission to Know, Love and Serve the Lord. Someone out their needs you today, how will you answer the call?

Saint Making Factory

This week we celebrate All Saints Day. Each and every day we have an opportunity to make decisions that can lead us to heaven. Once we make it there we will join the host of saints. Here is a great story of a modern day saint. I hope it can give you inspiration to Serve the Lord each and every day.

Nurture the Gift

This past week I was thinking about God’s response to our broken humanness and I was wondering if He ever gets tired of man’s rejection of the gift of faith. Here’s my line of thinking, starting with the history of our faith, with Abraham. Here’s a Bible history in less than two pages… God made … Continue reading

Soul Living

According to the Catechism (part 1, chapter 1, paragraph 33) the human person discerns signs of his spiritual soul. The soul, the “seed of eternity we bear in ourselves, irreducible to the merely material”, can have its origin only in God. In the glossary of the Catechism, a soul is defined as the spiritual principle … Continue reading


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