Celebrating National Anti-Bullying Day

October is National Bullying Prevention Month and it reminds us that students, parents, teachers, and school administrators all play a role in preventing bullying. Positive change comes as we begin to emphasize respect and inclusion on campuses across the country.  We are including our policy below for your review.  Bullying comes in many forms, and … Continue reading

Now Enrolling Pre-k-8th Grade!

We are currently enrolling for Pre-K-8th grade! Enrollment summer hours are M -TH 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. For inquiries, please contact John Bannigan at jbannigan@stjosephwaconia.org or 952-442-4500 ext 230

Legislative Session

Families, The legislative session is in its last two weeks, with wide gaps in policy and spending priorities between the House and the Senate. Two important provisions for nonpublic schools are still “in play.” These include the expansion of counseling to grades K-6 (HF3506 / SF925).  This would be a huge blessing for us.  Our … Continue reading

Popular Apps and Social Networks

Hello parents, I came across this list of some common apps that kids are using on devices. I wanted to help you become aware of some of the apps out there and what they do. It’s important for us to stay up to date with the latest digital tools that your children / our students … Continue reading

Blessed Lent

Hello everyone, I hope that you all have a wonderful spring break starting tomorrow.  I pray that you will be safe and healthy and that your children get some R&R.  I am already looking forward to seeing the students and staff return on March 14th ready to finish this school year strong. As we enter the … Continue reading

Suffer Well My Brothers and Sisters

May 19, 2021 Suffer Well My Brothers and Sisters Looking back over the past year and change, we have all witnessed suffering in ways that were most likely foreign to us in our previous experience.  Many of us have not seen the ravaging impact of an epidemic such as the Corona Virus in all its … Continue reading


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