Summer Readathon

Summer Readathon 2024

What is Summer Readathon?

It is very important that children read throughout the summer! Reading skills encompass every aspect of your child’s school day – whether that be math, social studies, science, or Smart Lab! Numerous studies show that reading over the summer has a direct correlation to school success. The readathon is an incentive program that encourages and rewards summer reading.

There are two ways to meet your St. Joe’s Readathon challenge!
Decide which way works best for your family.

1. Count by the Minute

Use the calendar sheet to record the number of minutes read each day. There are three levels of prizes for reaching 500, 1000, and 1500 minute reading goals during the summer.

2. Count by the Book

Decide if you want to complete the 15, 20, or 35 book challenge. The 35 book challenge has been given to you. If you decide to do the 15 or 20 book challenge, just write that many on the sheet or print off your sheet below and turn it in at the end of the summer.

General Guidelines (parents, please monitor):

  • All books should be at the student’s reading level
  • Books over 200 pages may count as two selections
  • Current Grade 4 and up – All books should be at least 90 pages long
  • Have fun with reading and books!

Going into 1st Grade? If you are just beginning to read, your parents can read some of the books to you! Make sure you read at least half of them though! Find some books at your level where there are many words you can sound out and blend at least half of the words.

If you have any questions, please contact Miss Virginia Gelhar at

Summer Readathon Prize Sheet

Summer Readathon Calendar

35 Book Challenge

20 Book Challenge

15 Book Challenge 


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